Registration is now open for the next ZAP! course. $50,000 customer discovery grants (Demo)

Join the program that has successfully enabled 4 teams to get $50,000 customer discovery grants from the National Science Foundation!  Our short course helps you qualify for these prestigious I-Corps awards. Registration is now open for our next ZAP! course.  Register online by Tuesday, January 19. January 22, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  January 29, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. ZAP! is based on the successful National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (I-Corps) methods of accelerating the translation of university engineering research to the marketplace.  If you complete ZAP!, you will be invited to IN-LA’s Technology Scouting Workshop, and may move forward in the IN-LA process toward eligibility for a $50,000 NSF I-Corps grant. It’s really easy!  Here are the steps:
  • Go to and enter “USC ZAP January 22/29” for the date.
  • Before the first class, fill in the attached two-slide template.  Don’t worry if you don’t know all the terms – we’ll teach them in our course – just give it a try.
  • In the first class, learn about business terminology and more importantly, how to interview customers to understand their needs.
  • Interview 5 people in the week following the first session.
  • Tell us what you learned in the second session.
That’s it!  Join the wave of innovators commercializing their technologies. ZAP! first deck template
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